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Child Custody in California

Child Custody

California has made significant strides in recognizing and protecting fathers’ rights regarding family law and parental rights. Courts no longer automatically grant primary custody of children to the mother, which leaves fathers with limited visitation rights. Today, the legal landscape has evolved to promote equal rights for both parents and shared responsibilities.

Legal Custody vs. Physical Custody

In California, child custody is divided into two categories: legal custody and physical custody.

Legal Custody

Legal custody refers to the right to make important decisions about the child’s upbringing, such as education, healthcare, and religious upbringing. In most cases, California courts prefer joint legal custody, meaning both parents share these decision-making responsibilities.

Physical Custody

Physical custody describes where the child lives. Physical custody can be either sole physical custody, where the child mostly lives with one parent, or joint physical custody, where the child spends significant time with both parents.

Presumption of Joint Custody

California family law operates under the presumption that joint custody is in the child’s best interests, meaning that courts typically prefer shared parenting arrangements that allow both parents to be actively involved in the child’s life.

However, the court will consider several factors when determining custody arrangements, including:

  • The child’s age and health
  • The emotional ties between each parent and the child
  • The ability of each parent to provide a stable and loving environment
  • Any history of domestic violence or substance abuse

Establishing Paternity

Before a father can assert his rights in California, he must establish legal paternity. Once the parents establish paternity, a father gains legal rights and responsibilities regarding the child, including the right to seek custody and visitation.

Parents may establish paternity in several ways:

Voluntary Declaration of Paternity

Suppose both parents agree on the child’s paternity. In that case, they can complete and sign a Voluntary Declaration of Paternity (VDP) form, which parents can sign at the hospital after the child’s birth or at a later date.

Court Order

If there is a paternity dispute, either parent can petition the court to establish paternity through genetic testing.

Father’s Rights in Child Custody

Requesting Custody

Fathers in California have the same legal right as mothers to request custody of their children. It’s essential to work with an experienced family law attorney to navigate the court system effectively. When making custody decisions, California courts prioritize the child’s best interests above all else.

Modifying Custody Orders

If circumstances change after establishing a custody order, either parent can request a modification. Modification of custody orders could be sought due to changes in the child’s needs, a parent’s relocation, or a change in work schedules. Fathers can seek modifications to ensure custody arrangements remain in the child’s best interests.

Father’s Rights to Visitation

Even if a father does not have physical custody of his child, he has the right to seek visitation. California courts generally believe children benefit from regular and meaningful contact with both parents. Visitation schedules can be established to accommodate the child’s needs and the parent’s availability.

It’s important to note that visitation rights can be restricted or supervised if there are concerns about the child’s safety or well-being while in the father’s care. However, these restrictions are typically imposed only when there is clear evidence of a risk to the child.

Child Support Obligations

Both parents, regardless of gender, have a legal obligation to support their children financially. In California, child support is determined based on the following factors:

  • Each parent’s income and earning capacity.
  • The percentage of time the child spends with each parent.
  • The number of children requiring support.
  • Any deductions or credits for health insurance, daycare expenses, and other relevant costs.

The California Department of Child Support Services provides a child support calculator on its website, which can help parents estimate their child support obligations.

Modifying Child Support

Child support orders can be modified if there is a significant change in either parent’s financial circumstances. For fathers experiencing a loss of income or other financial difficulties, it’s essential to petition the court for a modification rather than simply failing to pay. Failure to pay child support can result in legal consequences, including wage garnishment and a driver’s license suspension.

Father’s Rights in Adoption Cases

In adoption cases, biological fathers have rights, too. If a child’s mother wishes to place the child for adoption, the biological father must be notified and allowed to contest the adoption. However, the biological father must establish paternity and assert his rights promptly. Consulting with an attorney experienced in adoption cases is advisable in such situations.

Stuck in a Custody Battle? Contact Hepner & Pagan Today

Fathers have substantial legal rights in California regarding child custody, visitation, and child support. The courts prioritize the child’s best interests, aiming for shared parenting whenever possible. Establishing legal paternity is a critical first step for fathers seeking to assert their rights.

Whether you are a father seeking custody, visitation, or navigating child support issues, it’s crucial to consult with a knowledgeable family law attorney to ensure your rights and your child’s well-being are protected.

Schedule a consultation with Hepner & Pagan today by calling 408-688-9153. With the proper legal representation, fathers can play an active and meaningful role in their children’s lives.

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